Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lioness in armor penetrating the US Army War Shield

The New York Times today had a story that redeems my view of the world. As hard as things seems to be, as visible as I am made to seem, as ignored as my voice can be, I lead my life with the certainty that doing the work is what matters and to ignore the outside and inside voices telling me you can't do it, you are not allowed, not for you, not this time. I just do. Well, 11% of US Soliders are women and now they are fighting in the battle field like their male cohorts. This is unpermitted by the Army rules, but no matter with creating wording such as "attaching" female solidiers to fighting units as opposed to "assigning" the US Military is operationalizing the ultimate diversity frontier women. For years, the arguments against letting women fight for their country, the most valued honor of male citizens, that they would break down cohesion, be temptations for chivalours soldiers who would abandon the battle field to rescue damsels in distress, that the potential for pregnancy would be disastrous for wars. And, the perenial one: women just can't do it. Modern GI Janes, however, are proving that indeed they can fight like in the field and many of them have proven their valor in the field and have received military honors and citations. The next step is for these women to be recognized legally so their hard won battles in the fields of Iraq and Afghanistan are not treated as a historical exeption. Women fighting effectively in the battle field also shatters the argumentrs used to keep gay soldiers in the closet in the military. Women show that the arguments used to keep them out of the front lines are based on mythis and errenous assumptions and since many of the same arguments are used to keep gay men from officially serving in the army, there is hope that these two groups maybe brought out of the dark to serve their country openly in the battlefield. Click below for New York Times, Story: G.I. Jane Breaks the Combat Barrier:

Monday, August 10, 2009


I decided to post pictures of my New York life. I have been on a journey from rural Mexico, to California, to Milwaukee Wisconsin and have landed here in the middle of it all: New York City.