Sunday, January 24, 2010

Adios Coco Conando

The TV viewing public went crazy last two weeks over the departure of Conan O'Brien from TV. Conan is a millionaire, but his story of being screwed out of his dream job by a dirty, unethical competitor and a cut throat corporation called, NBC, sparked the imagination of millions. I have never seen a grassroots movement erupt in favor of a millionaire, but there it is!! Millions protested with, "I am with Coco" posters and rallies!! The rally attendees, according to the news reports, are "generation X", "young people!" Who knows, but what an oddity that people are so hungry for leadership that they cling to the court's jester's genuine outrage for being "screwed" by corporate America and create a grassroots movement calling for the corporation to keep him on the job!! Now, if we could get these people to care for the millions of middle class people who lost homes, are over taxed and have no health care! The Wall Street Journal had a satire illustrating this odd situation:

Here is a quote from the satire, "NBC will regret appeasing Leno":

Jay Leno, much like Adolf Hitler, is a master of making secret demands for foreign territory and then acting like the wronged party. First he pretended that he wanted to annex only the first half-hour of Mr. O'Brien's "Tonight Show." Here he was mimicking Hitler, who insisted that he merely wanted to annex the German-speaking Sudetenland, not all of Czechoslovakia.

I was not a regular Conan fan, but did watch countless bits of Conan on YouTube. I love Triumph the Insult Comic Dog!! I checked his final episodes which attracted an audience of over 7 millions people!! And, it was a funny, "Irish wake". Adios Coco Conando! May you make us laugh again soon!! I hope you donate some of your millions to help people in true need.

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